Sunday, February 23, 2025

Blood Making Techniques

 Hello Cambridge! Welcome back to my blog! Today I have experimented different techniques on making fake blood and how they look on different materials. Obviously in horror films you don't need blood, however, I decided to utilize it in my film opening since it is a slasher film based movie plot that I want to portray. Well let's get to it!


    So for my fake blood recipes, i got the recipes from a website on how to make fake blood for any occasion and this time I chose to utilize it for my opening. However, they used different colors of food coloring in their recipe and I will list it underneath.

Mix Together
  • 2 tablespoons of corn syrup
  • 4 drops of red food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa mix

My Recipe (Rendered)
  • 3 tablespoons of corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa mix
  • 5 drops of red food coloring 
  • 3 drops of blue food coloring
I added the blue to give a purple look and under the correct lighting it would be much better. 

Now, I needed to use this blood on a prop that would be very critical for my opening and I decided to use the blue medical gloves that I showed in my previous blog posts. These gloves are blue and in order to contrast it I had to make the blood have a hint of blue so the red would pop out more.

The picture of the glove covered in blood

Now What?

As you all know, I'm nearing the end of my planning and research part of my project and will start filming so I will use all the techniques and props I have collected in the past and I will compile it into my video filming. Stay tuned for upcoming updates of my filming production process.

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CCR Prep - Question #2 (And the full script for the first CCR)

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