Friday, February 7, 2025

Credit Sequences

Incorporating Credit Scenes Into My Project!

  Good morning or good evening Cambridge and welcome back to my blog! As I mentioned in my previous blog post I wanted to do some research on some credit sequences. These three opening credit sequences will be from three different movies in order to increase a variety of movies I can pull inspiration on for my own project. 

The Dentist (1996)

  The Dentist Film follows a dentist named Dr. Feinstone who has a successful career in dentistry who discovered his wife's affair. It's a horror based movie that's shown in a dentist office. This would be the reason as to why I picked this film because as I mentioned before I will be focusing my opening choices based on what I want my movie plot to be based around including Inspiration. The credits are shown with the utilization of showing the companies first with a black background. The text "A Film by Brian Yuzna" is displayed instead of saying the director. This would be a nice paraphrased version to say directed by in order to have some changes. In these credits the names are in a bigger text font than the titles. 

The rest of the actor names are shown the right side of the screen in a white text and show a stacked version of the names. Then after the production tea is displayed with hands in the back in a blurry white background with the text still on the side. The titles include "Director of Photography", "Music by", and more. These titles would be something I'd like to incorporate as well as the titles separate by the names with a line in a distorted font.

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

  This film starts off with a background of constellation of stars showing the company Orion Pictures and the formation of the O is followed with the music and it synced up. The rest of the credits are shown abruptly in a black font with a white border around the font, which is in all capitals. They start with showing another production company then goes to list the cast members by their actor name. The text is shown in the middle with big lettering and blocks out the background scene because it's not incorporated throughout the beginning of the opening. After they show the actors they display the title of the movie The Silence of the Lambs. As the scene progresses there is a lot of space between the actor names and the production team which is separated by dialogue and are a minute apart which obviously I cannot incorporate into my 2 minute opening due to time shortage. The production team includes titles such as "Casting By" and "Production Designer" followed by the name. The titles other than casting and music is just the title followed by the name which is in a different text size. 

The opening goes on to display the actor names again but in a stacked method that looks choppy and distracting from the background scene of the woman walking through the woods. This takes away attention from the film. The picture beside this text is an example of these credit sequences. Something else I wouldn't want to incorporate into my film is spacing out the credits so oddly because in this opening the credits are spaced out at least 10 seconds apart for the second half.

The Conjuring (2013)

  The last credit sequences I will be analyzing will be from the film The Conjuring which is a paranormal horror about a couple that seeks demons. The opening follows the couple and they're presenting afterwards, they go on to show a transcript in yellow font in a small text to say that the film is based off a true story. The credits roll as if they are in a transcript and the title The Conjuring is shown in the same yellow font but much larger to emphasize the title. 
   This is something I like because of the font color matching from the context of the story to the title. It's a nice way to represent the color theory because usually demon's eyes in the conjuring like in The Nun (2018) show the eyes to be a very bright yellow as seen in this movie because the nun in that movie is known to be an evil spirit. This is also seen in many other of the Conjuring films where the demon's eyes are yellow. I personally would like to get inspiration from the color matching.


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