Friday, February 28, 2025

Filming Day 1

    Hello everyone! It's the time everyone has been waiting for... it's filming day! I'm so happy I got together with my actor in order to make this production possible. I got to experience the lighting techniques and many mise en scene elements that I had gathered in the past.4 weeks. All my planning and research has come to a wrap and I have now moved on to the biggest task of all.

Behind the Scenes

    Now, I have only filmed a good first few scenes of my film leaving some things out due to costuming errors. However, everything worked out well and down below is a video of the behind the scenes footage that I have taken with my actor Maria. 

I have also had experience with filming throughout the duration of this class, therefore, I have made sure to overshoot. This makes it easier in the planning process because in order to reshoot it would take more planning and obviously scheduling and time isn't something I can be flexible with. There are some screenshots of my overshooting for some scenes below. Including the walking scene, putting the medical tray down, and many are due to lighting trial and error. 

What's Next?

My plan now is to record some foley sounds now that I have some recording footage that I have reviewed and carefully picked out. I will be recording sounds like metal clanking together, blood squishing, hand washing, glove sounds, walking, and many more! Stay tuned for more updates on my production process! See you next time!

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CCR Prep - Question #2 (And the full script for the first CCR)

      Welcome back everyone! Today I will be covering my answer for question #2 and also a full development for the script for the first CCR...