Sunday, February 2, 2025

Genres for Portfolio Project

Hellooo Cambridge! Today I have fully set on two genres that I have in mind for my film opening! This is an important first step to take in order to have a set plot in mind as well as decide what choices I will be making prior to producing my opening. I will also be focusing on my inspiration I will incorporate in this opening including many films in the horror genre as well as drama including classic movies like Scream (1997) and Legally Blonde (2001). It's important to note that I'm focusing on the genre and conventions within the openings of these two movies and deciding which to choose from there.


So let’s get started! In the horror genre, The Scream franchise movies always start off with an opening of a “kill-off” where the main slasher (known as ghost face in the movies) kills someone that’s in the movie. A perfect example is the first movie where ghost face encounters the blonde girl that we later find out is named Casey Baker. You can click on the link below in order to fully understand the mise en scene elements, set design, and makeup that is used to perfectly portray a sense of fear in the audience in this opening.

Scream falls under a more slasher horror category. We haven’t addressed this, however, there are multiple sub genres to horror including but not limited to… supernatural horror, psychological horror, slasher horror etc. With the horror genre the audience will be able to expect a sense of fear conveyed by my opening which i could allow to be either unsettling or  disturbing.


Moving on to the other genre I am considering which is drama. This is a genre that portrays real life experiences through dialogue, conflict (character vs character as mentioned from my previous blog post), and Legally Blonde (2001) is a great movie to portray this category in their opening. In the opening there is context and background that is giving the audience a sense of what is happening in the movie. There are also different sub-genres for Drama as well but I would like to consider a more comedy drama that has comedic timing which also conveys real-life experiences like in the movie with Elle Woods going through her town which is seen to be a college campus and she is portrayed as the perfect sorority girl who doesn't have a care in the world. With this drama comedy genre, developing context and background in the opening would be critical and many dialogue choices, song, and costuming would be very crucial if I were to pick the drama genre.

Now that I’ve narrowed down my decisions towards genre, conflict, and what type of approach I will be taking towards this project, I can finally access which decisions will be perfectly adjusted to what I will like to do. With this said, I have decided to take my opening with a horror genre  with mystery to intrigue my audience. This also means that I will have my work inspired off scream and have some mise en scene elements from this time period the film was portrayed in. 

Thank you Cambridge! Stay tuned for more blog updates on my portfolio project and the process I will be taking into this lengthy production! See you all next week 🎀

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