Wednesday, February 19, 2025

     Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm going to the location of my film tomorrow and the rest of the week and hopefully, fingers crossed, we get to film this weekend! First I want to establish the audio I will be using and I will focus on some things I can use to create foley sounds, download sound snippets of a website, and the overall background music I can use to create my project. 

Music Techniques to Utilize

The techniques below are some that I have researched from my own notes and some that I want to include in my own opening in order for it to be natural and clever. 

Sound Bridge 

  • When a sound is used to transit from one scene to another
  • Sound is used as a transition

Example: Between the two scenes that I have in my opening I would like to use a sound bridge with the trash bag falling to Danielle throwing something in the trash making the same sound.

Asyrnchonous Sound
  • Sound that doesn't match the screen
  • Creates metaphorical situations or provide context
Example: During the same time that Danielle is putting her victim in the trash bag a clock could be ticking in the background to signify that she has little time left untill she is figured out.

Background Music

    My background music does have to be intense and give off some sense of mystery. However, the music should change between the two scenes that I have decided to split my opening to. The first scene will be the clean up scene of the victim and the second scene is the dialogue between Danielle, Doctor Sherwood, and Shelby. So for the first scene I chose to go the more mysterious and tense route. I used this website in order to find the non diegtic sounds that I will include and won't be from the narrative world since it isn't heard from the characters. 

    The first sound I chose was more tense and upbuilding and I wanted to include some sound that had moments of a jump scare and some sort of drop like in rollercoaster. This sound below is a good idea of what I want to go with and it's a good start of how I will approach the background music. Obviously this could have room for change and improvement once I start editing my sequences together. 

    The second audio I'd choose is something that is more digetic such as background noise followed by foley sounds that will be used in order to give a sense of being in a medical clinic and having dialogue to carry the opening. Some foley sounds that I'd include which are seen below.

Foley Sound Ideas

    In some of the clips in my opening I'm going to need to utilize foley sounds because some are a bit specific that I won't be able to find online. Such examples are medical tools being placed on a tray, a trash bag falling with blood inside, and some bones cracking possibly. Now how am I going to do these foley sounds and what objects will I use? I'm very glad you asked! 

Trash Bag Falling

For this I will be able to use a wet paper towel thats covering rocks and drop it on hard wood indoors so that outside sound won't interfere with the foley sound. Below is a visual representation of a basic concept of how this would sound.

Bones Cracking 

Bones cracking as a hollow sound and Danielle would be using medical tools for this so obviously I'd have to maybe use something that I can crack and has the same sound with a scalpel maybe. A good idea is to use any sort of vegetable that has a crunch such as cracking open celery or carrots. Now below is a visual representation of me cracking celery and how it would probably sound because unfortunately right now I do not have carrots or any hard vegetables in my possession. 

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CCR Prep - Question #2 (And the full script for the first CCR)

      Welcome back everyone! Today I will be covering my answer for question #2 and also a full development for the script for the first CCR...