Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR Prep - Question #4

     Hello everyone! Welcome to the last CCR prep post for all the questions! I'm so nervous yet so ready for this portfolio project to be wrapped up. I'm simultaneously filming my CCR and will have a post production post about editing before we wrap everything before my due date! It's a good thing I planned for a buffer week incase of issues because timing is really on my side today. Like I said in my last blog post my CCR for the second set of question (3 and 4) isn't finalized due to my ideas dying out on me last minute. 

The 4th question I will be answering will be:

  • How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project?


    In terms of hardware for this project, I used different cameras from the company Canon which was my digital camera and a professional camera someone had lended me. This digital camera was very essential in getting that grainy texture in my film opening. I also used my Iphone 11 pro to film the scenes in the beginning but re did them when I had the idea of using a different camera and I would have it as a backup in case the SD Card got corrupted. I'd also use a SD Card converter for me to put these videos in my computer which I used to edit. 

Canon Digital Camera

SD Card Converter

SD Card

Canon Professional Camera

    Now, I also had to use a different method to include the red lighting in my film which was not colored gels like I saw some people use in YouTube tutorials. I had top put red sharpie on tape and cover a phone flashlight in order to give off the effect of red lighting in the room which I thought turned out really great.


    When using software throughout my production and planning I utilized Adobe Premiere for editing the actual film opening. I did this because I have more experience from the beginning of this school year using Adobe in previous projects. I got to learn how to use Adobe coloring effects, transitions, and use keyframes in order to edit my title sequences on the screen. Moreover, I also used Canva for my planning process such as creating mood-boards for the characters and get a better idea of their character development. I also used Pixibay and Bensound for free copyright audios in order to make it easier for myself when editing so I abide to copyright laws. With this, I also used word documents in order to make my screenplays and figure out what fonts and colors I could use for my title sequences. This helped me know exactly what I wanted to say during any dialogue sequences I was going to have until I cut it out.

Using Key Frames in Adobe

Creating title sequences/transitions in Adobe

Making Mood-Boards in Canva

Editing Title Sequences Fonts in Word

Unrevised Screenplay


    There was times I had to search up YouTube tutorials when I didn't know how to edit something or figure out how to sound overlay and it was a very nice tool for me to use during editing. I searched up how to do horror movie lighting on a budget as well as some popular camera shots and composition to have in my film opening in order to have that same horror movie feeling that I was going for. This helped my project become authentic and professional in the longrun. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR Prep - Question #3

     Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Today we are answering Question #3 and what my second CCR will consist of. Now, I have mentioned in my previous blog posts that my first CCR was a Director commentary/interview between my interviewer and myself as the director. Now, my second CCR isn't set in stone but I do know what I will say in order to answer this question along with graphics.

The 3rd question I will be answering will be :

  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
This is it, I'm finally done with portfolio project and we are on week #7. This entire project was a process that was both experimental and exciting! With this, lets reflect on what I learned and how I advanced in terms of a producer. 

My Overall Process

    When I started this project, everything seemed so overwhelming, the planning, the editing, filming a whole 2 minute production all by myself. I can admit it was quite intimidating. I started with making a schedule out for myself on where I should be each week and noting it down and repeating the process for the past 7 weeks. Throughout this production I have learned it's okay to mess up, my production skills have improved, as well as my planning process before filming as well as editing everything all together. Figuring out what I was going to focus my opening on was challanging but it forced me to step out of my comfort zone and realize that it really isn't hard to make something creative and original if you have an open mind. I picked a horror film to make and it is pretty in character for me because a lot of my posts before this project was focused on horror. It is easily my favorite film genre and I really did enjoy producing a film project based on the mystery behind killings. These skills will not only help me in this class but in many more instances moving forward such as overcoming obstacles, planning and researching, and making my own analysis for the things I create. I'm very proud of myself on how far I have gotten. 
Sound Research


Rsearch and Planning Process

    The research process was very ejoyable for me. I got to research some movies that I loved watching in the free time, their openings, the movie credits, and overall the types of themes they gravitate towards. For my time period I also had to establish what kind of mise en scene props I had to integrate and I researched on two films (The Black Phone and Scream) in order to get the proper inspiration from the 1990's. Researching the genre conventions was the most important step to take because I had to first learn about my genre before starting to produce it. This explains why it was one of my very first blog posts concerning my portfolio project. I developed my plot online, drew a storyboard, created mood boards, as well as research about the types of dentist offices there were available in the 1990's. This all brought me towards the end of my portfolio project where I got to start planning for my actual production. I had to plan what music I wanted to incorporate and adapt my shots to my storyboard and tweak things here and there before I started the actual production. 

    I spent a very long time filming. It was a major obstacle for me in terms of scheduling due to me having an outside actor that was busy alot. This led to me filming for 5 days in the span of 2-3 weeks and I still had to reshoot while editing and finalizing my project.  It was very hard to do everything in 2 hours or less every single day because those were the only hours my actor was available to film. I realized I had to schedule more effectively and communicate the hours that are needed before agreeing therefore, time won't be lost in the future. But, lesson learned and everything was figured out in time thankfully. I took a long time figuring out what shots were better for each scene and sometimes I ended up not following the storyboard and going based off a general idea that I had outlined due to my mind changing mid production and I'm glad it did because the overall product came out really well! I had to bring out many people to help me with filming that wasn't my actor such as my other friend and my parents that help lights and camera. When I didnt have that help I was moving alot in order to get the perfect angle with the perfect lighting and everything worked out in the end once I started editing. 

                                                                        Production Shots:



    It started with learning how to edit and get used to the Adobe program with a One Word Project. This project helped me transition into editing and mess around with a few techniques but not really being a master at it and having to search up tutorials but not having to do anything complex but putting together a few scenes and add music. We were tasked with a tone word and we had to make up a story without any dialogue and give off a sense of appreciative throughout the film. Me and my partner decided to make a story about a girl sitting alone at lunch and someone else coming over to give her some company which made her appreciative of that girl. This project helped us know how to plan with storyboards, think about shots and movement, and overall edit it into a sequenece which was a great transition into this class. 

Link to My One Word Film Here: OWF_Romero.mp4

    My next big project was learning how edit only audios with our very own foley sound creations as well as audios from online copyright free music websites. Me and my partner were tasked to make a soundscape with no video at all and only sound overlay. We decided to make our setting a medical clinic and overlay sounds as if the subject was walking through a pediatric clinic. This project gave us a lot of issues because it was very challenging to make a well enough sound scape without sounding too artificial. It did help transition me into learning how to overlay sounds and prepare me for this project. 

Link to My Soundscape Here: RomeroSeoane_soundscape_per7.mp4

    Our final big project was cosidered as our midterm and everyone was tasked to be in a group of 4-5 people and create a music marketing campaign as well as a music video that goes together with that campaign. This project gave me the most experience necessary to effectively complete my portfolio project. This process included the research and planning the editing as well as the filming all together put into one. Our group made a music marketing research chart to gather some background information on the genre just as I did for this project. We also completed a storyboard, props, and decided on the variety of shots that will be used. This project was very demanding but we finished in time and I found it a very nice experience

Link to Our Music Research Chart: Music Research Chart.docx 

As I'm typing this blog up, I can very proudly say I loved every aspect of this process even though it was challenging. It forced me out of my comfort zone to be creative and plan accordingly. I learned many skills that I will be utilizing in the near future. The editing was the hardest challenge by far and my favorite part was the actual production process and the planning that goes behind it. It is very tiring but I am overall pleased with myself on my final product!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR Prep - Question #2 (And the full script for the first CCR)

     Welcome back everyone! Today I will be covering my answer for question #2 and also a full development for the script for the first CCR that I will be using in my project. This prepatory blog is supposed to make my filming much more effective and quicker due to only having one day available to film in order to have it finished and edited with everything set in stone.

My second question I will be answering is: 
    How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My answer:
    My product establishes a sense of mystery and curiosity within the audience. This further engages the audience with suspense on what will happen next. The eerie sound and background music lets the audience wonder what this dentist is setting up for. Re establishing this through setting design and stylistic choices like the digital camera view leaving a grainy texture on the video symbolizing a old 1990's film production. The constant hand held shots and shaky movements caused by the camera can make the audience feel uncomfortable with what they are watching as well as the tight close ups of the bloody arms and neck. In terms of distribution, this film would start being showcased on film festivals and since Cypress Bay has its very own lightning film festival that would be a good choice to start with. I would obviously submit my film in the horror category in order to ignite my story within a far reach of audiences. In these film festivals the attention of movie distributors could be caught by my film and maybe distributed through a independently owned movie theater here in Weston in order to get more publicity. Examples would be Savor Cinema at Fort Lauderdale or Cinema Paradiso at Hollywood. This will also all start with the entire film being publicly distributed through the YouTube platform as well as teasers and trailers.

My Script

My script will include an "spend my day at work with me while we talk about my new film" as an interview in disguise:
There is more inclusions of graphics that will be mentioned when I edit that will be included when I start editing my CCR and will be included in a post production post! I will then update on the research and cite the required resources. Graphics such as my title sequence, the film from where my inspiration was from (The Black Phone), reoccurring suspense scenes and shots of the kill scene, and the genre conventions that I decided to challenge (The clever mindset of a killer). 

The link to my script is here. CCR Script (1-2)

I will soon be producing my CCR as well as deciding what to put in for my second CCR Response which will include Questions 3 and 4. Stay tuned for those updated blogs!


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to my update about my portfolio project! Today, we were assigned to another group meeting basically like a ending checkpoint before the last level of a vidieo game! It is nearing the end of our deadline and we have less than two weeks to finish our opening and CCRS. I cannot tell a lie, I'm a tad nervous but bringing all of these discussion points together. Me and my group discussed each others projects and since we are nearing the end most of the discussion reared towards finishing touches and mostly Creative Critical Reflection ideas. I used this document to jot down notes and suggestions made about each group member including myself to look back into later for when I'm polishing up my opening. 

This is my group for the second group meeting! I know, we look so cute!

My Process

    So, our discussion started off in a circle in our group and we started off with me. My project was practically finished with the exception of editing a few sequences together. My title sequences and transitions are pretty well figured out and my group liked it. However, my title wasn't set in stone and I thought it was too cliche and I wanted to get some ideas from my group members. After telling them that the main antagonist is at this dentist due to a residency of 6-11 months and from that she has motives to outshine her coworkers, Tiziana had a great idea to name my film The Residency instead of drop dead because this entire thing had sprouted from a residency that took place. 

A rough draft of the title in my opening

    The Creative Critical Reflection for question #3 and #4 was something I was a little puzzled on due to me already having a set idea for question #1 and #2. I then got the idea from my team members to do a red carpet interview due to the other two questions being suitable to answer under a paparazzi setting while still having a creative sense. This changes how I was probably going to approach question #3 and #4 without much thought process. 
    I also got some advice for some music I can use such as any royalty copyright free music. This advice was given from Jacey due to her figuring out her sound and being able to overlay her sounds thought the use of Youtube tutorials and since she is editing on I Movie it means it would probably be as effective and simple on Adobe Premiere Pro. Thankfully due to this, my editing process will be quicker and finished in time to effectively make my Creative Critical Reflection in time before the deadline of March 25th. 

Jacey's Process

    For Jacey, she was probably the farthest that has gotten throughout our entire group due to her already editing her film with sound, title sequences, and CCR ideas. She had one flaw in her production which was how her film title was displayed on screen with a black font and white border. That was what our criticism mainly focused around. I gave her the idea to fit her title with a color scheme that matches the background as well as have the transition come in flipped just as her actor does when flipping tarot cards. 

Pedro's Process

    in Pedro's Drama opening, he had informed us of his delays due to him not being able to film until next weekend. however, I do like the fact that he has become very prepared in other aspects of his opening such as voiceovers. His opening tells of a man who lives an everyday boring life over and over again and he decided to utilize voiceover. In this voiceover the word "work" is repeated 3 times and I thought it would be an interesting idea for the actor to change clothes each time to represent many days have passed since he hasn't started filming.

Vicky's Process

    Something I really loved about vicky's opening is that her concept about this girl luring in men to kill them has a unique play on words in her title. However, Jacey recommended that instead of her title being "Manslaughter" she changes it to "Manslaughter" which was clever due to the actor killing many men in the film. She has challenging conventions as to the woman being the atagonist instead of the man in many horror films. 

    For her CCR (the first one) she will like the idea of a talk show where her group members will come live and have a game that has hints towards her film. It was a bit of a rough draft and the group tried to hammer it down to it being a talk show one on one but it could be a group, however, it would have to be filmed multiple times for each member of the group.

Tiziana's Process

    Tizianna hasn't started filming but I do enjoy her opening idea which has changed from her storyboard. It is a mystery where a case of a missing person gets re opened due to a recent murder that she has escaped from and have found out she has connections to the murder. 

   When talking about the Creative Critical Reflection, Tiziana mentioned that in the beginning of her film, the woman will be baking cupcakes. I thought the show "Cupcake Wars" is something she could take inspiration out of and do a cooking video while talking about the film like it is a talk show pretending to be a baking channel. 

    It is important to keep noted that even with everyone having messed up schedules, it is important that everyone has had scheduling issues with groups, actors, and even locations. Nonetheless, my project has been under the works and I have started my Creative Critical Reflection Scripts and will be filming this weekend in order to have a set deadline for myself. Thank you for reading everyone! Stay tuned for following updates on my project. 


Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Prep - Question #1

     Hello everyone! what a crazy week! I am back with a surprise blog about my creative critical reflection. Which is a fancy term of just me reflecting back on what I did, how I did it, and how it all led up to my final product. Today I will be answering CCR Question #1 and don't get that confused with the scripting of my entire video since I am doing two CCR posts.

The CCR Question i will be answering today is... :

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups?

Genre and Social Groups

    In order to answer this we have to question what is my genre conventions and what are social groups. So my genre is horror, more specially slasher film horror. I have done many blog postings about horror in the past and one wasn't even apart of this project but it was done on October 31st for reference. I have my citations all ready to be put at the end of my CCR as well. My film decided to challenge genre conventions of horror genre because usually the killer is masked and clever enough to erase their tracks. However, in my film, I decided to portray my character as too shrouded in their own obsession it fogs up their mind and leads them to make very careless mistakes and decisions. 

    The social groups part of this question was a little tricky of me to understand but after seeing a few references I understood what it meant. Pretty much just asking how my genre represents my characters. In my case, my main character is represented as a villain who is coming from a troubled past of rejection and not enough attention. This is reflected psychologically due to her obsession with receiving validation from her mentor/doctor. 

    Keep in mind that this is the information that will be covered in my CCR, however, it will be set in a standard script that will be finished once I have both of the questions that will be answered in my first complete CCR so stay tuned for that!

Script Idea

    So for my first CCR post, I will be interviewed as a director and perform a director commentary. However, this will be in the dentist setting that is seen in my opening. Also, I will be interviewed by a news reporter of some sorts that comes into the work places of upcoming directors and interviews them about their new movie. 

    I will be walking through my day and taking in clients as well as documenting their charts on a computer while I'm being asked questions. These clients will be my family so they would have already shown up in my film and could be little easter eggs the audience could keep an eye out for. Below is a picture of what the background would look like more or less. It is the same picture used from my set design due to it being filmed in the same setting.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Post Production Editing!

     Hello everyone! Welcome back to the editing segment of my opening portfolio project! I'm so excited to finally edit my title sequences. I have already picked out font, color, and sizes as well as how they will be displayed on screen. I took my inspiration from the Black Phone as previously mentioned from a past blog of mine. Some of these transitions are also symbolic for my film.

Title Sequences (Font, Color, Size)

    Using this color picker, I was able to figure our the exact color shade I wanted but not necessarily the color because from my editing timeline the coloring is a bit weird when put on the screen and the beige contrasts with the background of my film. 

    From my inspiration, I decided to not use a pre made transition that Adobe had to offer and make the titles come onto a screen in a distorted, glitchy manner like they do in the Black Phone opening. However, some of these title sequences do just show up and I do want to alter my title sequences to have an interesting way of popping from the background. This should be especially done when it is my Movie title that I had a different idea to display it on the medical tray background instead but it will be edited in with text.
Here is an example of the black phone opening title sequences as a refresher just in case it was forgotten or it was needed as a reference to what I'm going to thoroughly explain.

    For the size, I wanted it to be very minimal and small. This font that I used is very similar to the one used in the Black Phone with the word "Film" in this example. I did, however, have to use the Black Phone's title sequence as a reference pretty closely in order to have a more attention grabbing graphic and have the audience pay attention to the background as well. While the title doesn't blend in too much it shouldn't contrast the background where it stands out and distracts from the actual opening. 



    As you can see the second example is the closest I had to the original reference which is what I ended up choosing for my actual opening since I did want a very close resemblance but not necessarily copy.


    As for the transition and display onto the screen, I wanted to make the visual pop out and seem very glitchy because in the narrative world this is all being filmed with a digital camera so the images will be a slight distorted and blurred. I want to be show a clip of the transition because I am really proud of it and due to not having worked previously with after effects or anything of that sorts I am really proud that I came up with this. Obviously I had to get a few tips from peers who knew how to edit from my class. 

Clip of the title sequence transition

    Now, the transition is pretty quick I can admit and that is the intention because the nurse is working really quickly to get rid of this evidence and the shakiness does resemble the fast paced movements and contrasts with her relaxed movements while doing something inhumane.

    Below are a few time lapses of me working on the editing for these title sequences and I cannot tell a lie, it took a while but I have found a method on how to do this quicker and more effectively! This was me having to copy and paste the transition that I have already made and just change the text and font and then I'm good to go! This would only work for a few things like when a singular title is on screen, however, when it's a series of titles such as actor names, I will have to just display it on screen normally when a new clip is shown. 

    The first two Timelapse's were done in class and they were split up due to my battery running low on the first one then having to charge it. In the first time lapse you can see Maria was telling me where the effects were for text and I told her what I had for my vision and she gave me a few techniques I could use such as lowering the opacity, using a blur and making it vertical, all sorts of things that I used in order to come up with the final product. 

    The second Timelapse was me finally getting a handle on my own editing and I finally got to finish the where exactly I wanted my text to be along with making it visually appealing on the screen. And clearly the third time lapse was done in another classroom because I was dedicated to finish the transition during school. I was switching between two screens to see frame by frame the reference I had in order to make my transition not too choppy and with a few revisions I was left with an amazing final product! 

    For the record, I had everyone's permission who had their face in my time lapse to be posted on my blog and here is my evidence!

    Thank you for reading everyone and stay tuned for more future updates on editing. Also, a surprise blog post will be up tomorrow about a very exciting portion of this project!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Filming! Once Again

     Hello Everyone! It's been a while but I finally got to film yesterday and my editing has been halted to my title sequences at the moment. But all is well and don't fear, I have come to the rescue with my handy SD card! 

    I'm very glad I got to film with Maria again and I know she is such a busy girl but man am I so happy that she was able to film. Today I filmed the kill scene and the trash bag scene. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day we film the dialogue, if it's needed, and the clean up scene.

Behind the Scenes Day 4

    This time I had more access to camera equipment such as a professional camera along with the digital camera from before. I know, not very ideal to bring this up towards the end of my editing but I feel like better late than never. Also, not to mention that the beginning part of my film is supposed to be filmed digitally in the narrative world so it all checks out!

    Down below is my behind the scenes footage that I have filmed throughout my filming. Here I talk about the gore effects I used, the lighting, as well as different camera techniques that I used behind my production process and how it will work out in my editing process. 

Something that I really enjoyed from today's editing was utilizing the fake blood to the maximum and I got some pretty crazy shots of my film. Here's a few sneak peeks!

    I am really going to look foward to editing due to many ideas popping into my head about the title sequences I can use, what editing techniques I can incorporate and basically learn more with this hands-on experience. As well as talk about foley sounds that I have created. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Editing Issues Already

     Hello everyone! After this messy week of filming and it takes a while to get in touch with my actor. I decided to edit my opening in sections due to not finishing filming yet. I know not ideal, I would have to film today after school and finish this blog about editing the set up of the kill scene as well as the parts I filmed last week. Due to Maria having work and assignments to catch up on, it takes a while but we have set to finish filming today and tomorrow definitely. I think I can believe in myself to pick everything up and fix my problems. 

    While I am still also in the process of production I am still able to find and pick fonts that I will edit into my film and actually edit segments that I already have filmed. A few blogs will be production and filming in order to meet the criteria of showing my process fully and effectively. The deadline reaches closer and I see myself 20 days away from the deadline. Every day that passes by i pass my own set deadline and even though I haven't met the exact expectation I set for myself, I imagine myself being able to manage my time and finishing everything by the deadline.

My Editing Timeline (Premiere Pro)

    My editing process has been going well in terms of my titles and scenes. In my timeline my scenes are far apart due to the missing scenes that I have yet to film yet and just haven't edited or imported from my SD card from my digital camera. 

My SD Card

My SD Card Converter

Coloring Issues

    So in my digital camera, when I started recording, the video would come out purple due to the blue table and the red lighting mixing together. Therefore, I had the idea to edit the coloring of my video in order to fix the problem. I was just messing around with the saturation and temperature to make the red really pop out like in the other videos that I have filmed and here is a before and after.



    You can also see the settings have changed for the coloring of the video, however, I am really satisifed with the final product of the edited saturation. After editing this part, I want to be able to establish that my timeline is a little messed up. However, with a few scheduling changes, my filming will be done by saturday and I will be able to fully finish editing my timeline. 

    Something else that I also noticed is that my clips for the first part of my 2 minute film opening are pretty long. So what exactly does that mean? Well, it means that there might be a circumstance where I'll have to leave out a few scenes that are within my storyboard. 


    So I started editing in my class on Tuesday and I was fixing the lighting, adding title sequences and trying to take inspiration from other movie opening title sequences like the ones I have mentioned before. The way they appear on screen with appearances such as transitions, coloring, font, and font size will all be taken inspiration from 

Monday, March 3, 2025

We got to film! Yay!

     Hey everyone! This is a very last minute post I'm so glad me and Maria got to film today and we definitely made up for lost time. We will also be planning to film tomorrow, however, I will start my editing process due to me having enough clips from today and the previous two filming days to edit. 

Breakdown of Today's Filming Day

    So first, i had to confirm with Maria and thankfully we got to film with 3 hours time and we got to finish the "kill scene" and the set up with the medical instruments. Next thing we will have to finish up is the end of the dialogue scene which I already filmed the beginning part yesterday and the trash bag scene behind the dentist office. 
    Something that I brought to my film day today was my own digital camera which I thought would give of a vibe of a 90's aesthetic just like my inspiration from the black phone. This was able to give my shots a more pixelated look but still looking clean and hopefully it will work out in editing. So my basic idea summarized is having the set up of the "kill scene" filmed in a digital sense and then the dialogue and everything else will be filmed on the phone. 

My Digital Camera đ™š

I was able to film on both my phone and my digital camera for these scenes however, just in case something got corrupted in the SD card or any issues came up and I wouldn't be able to re film beause time is getting really limited. 

Behind the Scenes Day 3

Now, as always, my behind the scenes footage is ready and here is where I show me filming on the digital camera, setting up the blood for the "kill scene" and as well dealing with lighting. The filming with the behind the scenes was used in flash just so that the footage could be more visible. It's also important to note that the behind the scenes footage is very light due to the fact we had a lot of catching up to do but a lot is shown in these videos.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Things didn't go my way.. Uh Oh..

    Hello everyonee! So, as you can see I didn't film today ☚ī¸. Unfortunately Maria couldn't make it to the location today and I didn't have the time to reschedule today. But, thats okay! I just had to make up for it and film another part of my shoot where Maria's character in the shots. 


    I decided to film the part where Doctor Sherwood is first introduced in the second half of my opening. This character is played by my dad Ludwig Romero! In my storyboard Doctor Sherwood didn't have any hair and honestly, it was because i dont know how to draw hair very well. My dad, coincidentally, doesn't have any hair so look at that!

My dad playing Doctor Sherwood

Set Up and Props

    Anyways, I'm really compassionate about this project and I want to do it well. So, I took today as an opportunity to film on something I haven't touched yet. Therefore, I had to set up the office and a few props to film today in such short notice. I had to make a ID for the office which is has been officialized as a pediatric dentist since that's the name of my mom's actual dentistry. I had full permission to use her brand name in my film opening. She is also the face of Rosy Garcia, the co worker who had died in the beginning of the film

Making the ID of Rosy Garcia

My mom's permission of using her office brand

Filming and Behind the Scenes

This is the video of the behind the scenes of me setting up the office for filming and the actual process of me filming.

    Thank you for being so patient with me everyone and hopefully I will be able to finish filming soon even with all these delays. I'm super glad I was able to make up lost time even with a few minor scheduling issues. Take care everyone and stay tuned for more filming and possible editing updates! See you all next week!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Foley Sound Creation

     Hello everyone! So as you can tell, we didn't end up filming today... I know very disappointing. Maria and I are supposed to be filming today, however, our schedules didn't let that happen. We will be filming tomorrow and if not I will make sure to produce any shots that don't utilize the main character just yet and once next week rolls around, I will be able to finish the filming for my opening fingers cross However, you'd all be glad to know that I can still create a few foley sounds for the clips I have already filmed. These shots include grabbing globs, placing a piece of cloth on a metal tray, putting on latex gloves, and walking.


Per my previous blogs, I have already done some research and basic planning on what my foley sounds would sound like and what objects I can use. However, these were for the trash bag scene which we were supposed to film today but hopefully we can film it tomorrow! A few ideas I have in mind and once I do create them the objects could change depending on the availability I have in my house or the tweaking I have to make 

  • I'd use a rubber band against a face mask to create the illusion of snapping on a pair of gloves
  • It would nice to have a baking tray of some sorts and rub a piece of cloth like a paper towel over it
  • In order to have the illusion of sneakers on hardwood floors I had to realize that sneakers have a hard base and make a muffled sound. Therefore, I decided I would use a plastic bottle and tap it against a paper towel on a marble table


 So let's start off and I will be showing a screenshot of each clip and below will be a video of me creating a foley sound beneath. I have a few objects that I have gathered to create these sounds and here's a picture of them down below.

1. Placing a piece of paper on a metal tray


Screenshot of Clip

Foley Sound Creation

Why I chose this object: I chose to use a baking tray and parchment paper is because I wanted to give the illusion of something light but rough at the same time that is grazed against a metal surface. When I placed it on the tray and scrambled it, it made a perfect sound to putting down the paper on the tray.

2. Putting on gloves

Screenshot of Clip

Foley Sound Creation

Why I chose this object: I chose to use the rubber band of a mask because although it wasn't a rubber hand and something else that was latex, i had the availability to a mask. When I pulled it back and released it, it made the sound of snapping a glove onto a wrist so I decided to use it.

3. Walking

Screenshot of Clip

Foley Sound Creation

Why I chose this object: I chose to use a mayo bottle and a piece of kitchen paper because the paper allowed the taps of the mayo to be muffled. The steps were hollow and made a perfect sound for me to use but it will be extracted from the video once I start editing. 

It's important to note that I included the sounds that I would need to make artificial or amplified sounds for that I can't just record. So I decided to not include handwashing or opening a drawer. Tomorrow hopefully we will be able to film and add new clips to our editing timeline! Stay tuned for more updates see you next time!

CCR Prep - Question #4

       Hello everyone! Welcome to the last CCR prep post for all the questions! I'm so nervous yet so ready for this portfolio project t...