Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to my update about my portfolio project! Today, we were assigned to another group meeting basically like a ending checkpoint before the last level of a vidieo game! It is nearing the end of our deadline and we have less than two weeks to finish our opening and CCRS. I cannot tell a lie, I'm a tad nervous but bringing all of these discussion points together. Me and my group discussed each others projects and since we are nearing the end most of the discussion reared towards finishing touches and mostly Creative Critical Reflection ideas. I used this document to jot down notes and suggestions made about each group member including myself to look back into later for when I'm polishing up my opening. 

This is my group for the second group meeting! I know, we look so cute!

My Process

    So, our discussion started off in a circle in our group and we started off with me. My project was practically finished with the exception of editing a few sequences together. My title sequences and transitions are pretty well figured out and my group liked it. However, my title wasn't set in stone and I thought it was too cliche and I wanted to get some ideas from my group members. After telling them that the main antagonist is at this dentist due to a residency of 6-11 months and from that she has motives to outshine her coworkers, Tiziana had a great idea to name my film The Residency instead of drop dead because this entire thing had sprouted from a residency that took place. 

A rough draft of the title in my opening

    The Creative Critical Reflection for question #3 and #4 was something I was a little puzzled on due to me already having a set idea for question #1 and #2. I then got the idea from my team members to do a red carpet interview due to the other two questions being suitable to answer under a paparazzi setting while still having a creative sense. This changes how I was probably going to approach question #3 and #4 without much thought process. 
    I also got some advice for some music I can use such as any royalty copyright free music. This advice was given from Jacey due to her figuring out her sound and being able to overlay her sounds thought the use of Youtube tutorials and since she is editing on I Movie it means it would probably be as effective and simple on Adobe Premiere Pro. Thankfully due to this, my editing process will be quicker and finished in time to effectively make my Creative Critical Reflection in time before the deadline of March 25th. 

Jacey's Process

    For Jacey, she was probably the farthest that has gotten throughout our entire group due to her already editing her film with sound, title sequences, and CCR ideas. She had one flaw in her production which was how her film title was displayed on screen with a black font and white border. That was what our criticism mainly focused around. I gave her the idea to fit her title with a color scheme that matches the background as well as have the transition come in flipped just as her actor does when flipping tarot cards. 

Pedro's Process

    in Pedro's Drama opening, he had informed us of his delays due to him not being able to film until next weekend. however, I do like the fact that he has become very prepared in other aspects of his opening such as voiceovers. His opening tells of a man who lives an everyday boring life over and over again and he decided to utilize voiceover. In this voiceover the word "work" is repeated 3 times and I thought it would be an interesting idea for the actor to change clothes each time to represent many days have passed since he hasn't started filming.

Vicky's Process

    Something I really loved about vicky's opening is that her concept about this girl luring in men to kill them has a unique play on words in her title. However, Jacey recommended that instead of her title being "Manslaughter" she changes it to "Manslaughter" which was clever due to the actor killing many men in the film. She has challenging conventions as to the woman being the atagonist instead of the man in many horror films. 

    For her CCR (the first one) she will like the idea of a talk show where her group members will come live and have a game that has hints towards her film. It was a bit of a rough draft and the group tried to hammer it down to it being a talk show one on one but it could be a group, however, it would have to be filmed multiple times for each member of the group.

Tiziana's Process

    Tizianna hasn't started filming but I do enjoy her opening idea which has changed from her storyboard. It is a mystery where a case of a missing person gets re opened due to a recent murder that she has escaped from and have found out she has connections to the murder. 

   When talking about the Creative Critical Reflection, Tiziana mentioned that in the beginning of her film, the woman will be baking cupcakes. I thought the show "Cupcake Wars" is something she could take inspiration out of and do a cooking video while talking about the film like it is a talk show pretending to be a baking channel. 

    It is important to keep noted that even with everyone having messed up schedules, it is important that everyone has had scheduling issues with groups, actors, and even locations. Nonetheless, my project has been under the works and I have started my Creative Critical Reflection Scripts and will be filming this weekend in order to have a set deadline for myself. Thank you for reading everyone! Stay tuned for following updates on my project. 


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CCR Prep - Question #2 (And the full script for the first CCR)

      Welcome back everyone! Today I will be covering my answer for question #2 and also a full development for the script for the first CCR...