Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Prep - Question #1

     Hello everyone! what a crazy week! I am back with a surprise blog about my creative critical reflection. Which is a fancy term of just me reflecting back on what I did, how I did it, and how it all led up to my final product. Today I will be answering CCR Question #1 and don't get that confused with the scripting of my entire video since I am doing two CCR posts.

The CCR Question i will be answering today is... :

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups?

Genre and Social Groups

    In order to answer this we have to question what is my genre conventions and what are social groups. So my genre is horror, more specially slasher film horror. I have done many blog postings about horror in the past and one wasn't even apart of this project but it was done on October 31st for reference. I have my citations all ready to be put at the end of my CCR as well. My film decided to challenge genre conventions of horror genre because usually the killer is masked and clever enough to erase their tracks. However, in my film, I decided to portray my character as too shrouded in their own obsession it fogs up their mind and leads them to make very careless mistakes and decisions. 

    The social groups part of this question was a little tricky of me to understand but after seeing a few references I understood what it meant. Pretty much just asking how my genre represents my characters. In my case, my main character is represented as a villain who is coming from a troubled past of rejection and not enough attention. This is reflected psychologically due to her obsession with receiving validation from her mentor/doctor. 

    Keep in mind that this is the information that will be covered in my CCR, however, it will be set in a standard script that will be finished once I have both of the questions that will be answered in my first complete CCR so stay tuned for that!

Script Idea

    So for my first CCR post, I will be interviewed as a director and perform a director commentary. However, this will be in the dentist setting that is seen in my opening. Also, I will be interviewed by a news reporter of some sorts that comes into the work places of upcoming directors and interviews them about their new movie. 

    I will be walking through my day and taking in clients as well as documenting their charts on a computer while I'm being asked questions. These clients will be my family so they would have already shown up in my film and could be little easter eggs the audience could keep an eye out for. Below is a picture of what the background would look like more or less. It is the same picture used from my set design due to it being filmed in the same setting.

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CCR Prep - Question #2 (And the full script for the first CCR)

      Welcome back everyone! Today I will be covering my answer for question #2 and also a full development for the script for the first CCR...